how to scann website and hack use tool Wfuzz - The Web Fuzzer

Hey friend i am introduce  web scanning tool to help you ..

hey friend i am introduce  web scanning tool to help you 

Wfuzz has been created to help the job in web computer programs tests/evaluations and it isbased on a simple idea: it replaces any reference to the FUZZ keyword by the value of a givenpayload.
A payload in Wfuzz is a source of data.

This simple idea allows any input to be injected in any field of an HTTP requestallowing toperform complex web security attacks in different web computer program parts/pieces such aslimits/guidelines(verifying someone's identity)formsdirectories/files, headersetc.

Wfuzz is more than a web content scanner:

Wfuzz could help you to secure your web computer programs by finding and fully using (for profit) web computer program weaknesses (that could be used to hurt something or someone)Wfuzz's web application weakness (that could be used to hurt someone or something) scanner issupported by plugins.

Wfuzz is a completely modular (solid basic structure on which bigger things can be built) andmakes it easy for even the newest of Python developers to add/giveBuilding plugins is simpleand takes little more than a few minutes.

Wfuzz exposes a simple language (connecting point/way of interacting with something) to theprevious HTTP requests/responses (did/done/completed) using Wfuzz or other toolssuch asBurpThis allows you to (do/complete) manual and semi-automatic tests with full big picture andunderstanding of your actionswithout depending on a web application scanner hidden (under)putting into use.

It was created to help the job in web computer programs tests/evaluationsit's a tool bypentesters for pentesters ; )


frist install wfuzz tool 

 link of github -

 git clone  past link
 pip install wfuzz

 thank for read artical please shear friend 
